0121 456 7800
Legal Speech Recognition
Speech Recognition solutions for legal professionals who want to work smart. Nuance Dragon Professional 15 provides the world's most powerful Speech Recognition engine, allowing users to create documentation with up to 99% accuracy out-of-the-box. Medincle+ Legal combines with Nuance Dragon to provide lawyers, paralegals, law students, solicitors & more with a complete UK legal vocabulary - meaning that you can use all industry-specific advanced terminology in your every day work.
Original price £792.00Current price £599.00
£718.80 incl. VAT
Dragon Professional Anywhere (12 Month User Subscription)
NuanceNuance Dragon Professional Anywhere (DPA) is an enterprise Speech Recognition solution that allows business professionals to create high-quality d...
View full detailsOriginal price £792.00Current price £599.00£718.80 incl. VAT
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